Article on Oscar Award-nominated American film "Marriage Story" written and directed by ‎Noah Baumbach,lead actors adam driver and Scarlett Johansson

आर्टिकल  ऑन ऑस्कर  नॉमिनेटेड अमेरिकन  फिल्म "मैरिज  स्टोरी"
Article on Oscar Award nominated  American film "Marriage Story"
source- personal collection 
"तुम  से  छूट  कर भी तुम्हे  भूलना  आसान    था
तुम  को  ही   याद  किया   तुम  को  भुलाने  ने  के  लिए "
      निदा  फाजली  के इस शेर  के  जैसा  ही  कुछ  मिज़ाज हैं  नुआन  बॉम्बच के  निर्देशन  में  बनीं अमेरिकन  फिल्म ," मैरिज  स्टोरी "का.
 आज  बात  करेंगे  अमेरिकन  ऑस्कर  अवार्ड की   नामांकन  मिली  हुई   फिल्म  "मैरिज  स्टोरी" की.

     चार्ली  बार्बरएडम  ड्राइवर)   एक  थिएटर  डायरेक्टर   हैं  जो  की अमेरिका  में नाटक  की  दुनिया  में  अच्छा  खासा  नाम  कमा  रहे हैं.  जो इस  फिल्म  के  प्रोटोगोनिस्ट  हैंऔर  दूसरी  प्रोटोगोनिस्ट  हैं निकोल बार्बर ( स्कारलेट  जोहानसन)  जो  की एक  अभिनेत्री  हैं,  निकोल  पहले  फिल्मो  और  सीरियल्स  में  काम  करती  थी पर  जबसे उसकी  शादी  चार्ली  के  साथ हुई  है . तब से  वो  चार्ली   के   साथ  उसके  नाटकों  में  काम  करती  हैं.  दोनों   को  एक  आठ  साल  का बेटा हैं हेनरी बार्बर,( आईजी रॉबर्ट्सन) , दोनों  भी  अपने  बेटे  से  बहोत  प्यार  करते हैं .  जैसे  की हर माँ  बाप   करते  हैंचार्ली  और  निकोल  दोनों ही  क्रिएटिव  पर्सनालिटी  हैं , और दोनों का  मानना  हैं  की  साथ  में  अपनी  क्रिएटिव  आवाज नहीं  ढूंढ  पा  रहे  हैं  और  इसीलिए  दोनों  तलाक  के  लिए  केस  फाइल करते  हैं.ये  तलाक  के  दौरान और  इसके  बाद  के  होनेवाले  किस्सों  की एक  प्रेम  कहानी वाली   फिल्म  हैं.तो आइये बात करते  हैं  इस  फिल्म के  चुनिंदा सीन्स  पर,  फिल्म  से  जुडी  कुछ  और  बातों  पर,
     चार्ली  के कमरे  की डोर  बेल्ल  बजती  है.  चार्ली  दरवाजा  खोलता हैं.सामने निकोल  हैंएक  फॉर्मल  हाय  हेलो   होता  हैं.चार्ली  के  नए  ख़रीदे  हुए  घर  के  दीवारों खाली  हैं  मतलब  वहा  कोई  पेंटिंग  नहीं  हैं.निकोल  उसे  ऑफर करती  हैं  की वो  कुछ  पेंटिंग्स    दे  सकती पर चार्ली उसके लिए  मना  करता हैंचार्ली  निकोल  के लिए  कोल्ड  ड्रिंक लाकर  देता  हैं.और खुद  के  लिए  भी  एक  बियर  लेता हैंनिकोल  हॉल में  हैं  और  चार्ली  किचन  में हैं,  दोनों ही  कमरों  के  बिच में  एक  दीवार हैं  जो की ऑडियंस को दिखा   रही हैं की चार्ली  और निकोल  में  एक   पार्टीशन  हैंहॉल   के  दीवारों  को सफ़ेद  कलर  दे रखा  हैं और  किचन  काफी  जगह पर भूरे  कलर  का   हैंक्युकी  वह  फर्नीचर  से  बनी  चीज़े  हैं .  
    चार्ली  और निकोल  अपनी  पुराणी  ज़िन्दगी  को  लेकरअपने बच्चे को लेकर,  अपने  वकीलों  को  लेकर  एक दूसरे  को कोसते  हैं और फिर  इस  बातचीत में  एक  दूसरे  के  पेरेंट्स  को कोसने तक    पोहच जाती   हैं,और  दोनों  में काफी  बहस  काफी  बढ़  जाती  हैं. 
   चार्ली  निकोल  से  कहता  हैं की ,"  तुम्हे डाइवोर्स चाहिए  क्यों के तुम्हे खुद कीआवाज़ ढूंढनी  हैं  पर  सच  ये  हैं की  तुम्हे  खुद  की  आवाज  हैं की  नहीं."  इसपर  निकोल जवाब  हैं  की , " लोग मुझे कहते    थे  की  तुम  एक  अच्छे  आर्टिस्ट  बनाने के लिए  स्वार्थी  थे  पर मैं  नहीं  मानती  थी  पर  वो  सच  कहते  थे." झगड़ा   काफी   बढ़ता   हैं  और चार्ली ने  जो  बहोत  दिनों  से  एक  भावनाओ  का  एक जो  बाँध रोक  रखा था  वो  फुट जाता  हैंचार्ली  फुट फुट  कर  रोने  लगता  हैं.निकोल  उसे  जाकर   संभालती हैं,चार्ली और निकोल  एक दूसरे  से  एक  दूसरे  के  साथ  किये  हुए  बदतमीज़ी  के लिए   माफ़ी  मांगते हैंनिकोल अभी भी  चार्ली  के साथ हैं.

      बिलकुल  इससे  पहले एक  कोर्ट  रूम  ड्रामा  हैं  जहाँपर चार्ली  और  निकोल  अपने  बेटे की  कस्टडी  के  लिए  लड़  रहे  हैंचार्ली का  वकील निकोल  पर  alchoholic होने  का  इलज़ाम  लगता  हैं  और  निकोल  की  वकील  चार्ली  पर  निकोल  के  साथ  बेवफाई  करने  का  इलज़ाम  लगाती  हैं,   दोनों  वकील  अपनी  अपनी  दलीले रखते  हैंइन दलीलों  में  सच्चाई को  थोड़ा बढ़ाचढ़ाकर  बताया जाता हैं.जो  की  वकीलों  का  काम  होता  हैं.पर उनकी कोर्ट  रूम  में दिखने  वाली  चार्ली  और  नोकील  की  चुप्पी  कह  जाती  हैं  की वो  एक दूसरे पर  होने वाले आरोपों  से  खुश  नहीं    हैंपर  क्या करे  वकीलों  को  पैसे ही  अपने  क्लाइंट्स  को जितवाने  के  लिए  मिलते    हैंइसी  बात  को  डायरेक्टर  ने  बड़े  बखूबी तरीके  से  कैमरे में  कैप्चर किया  हैंउस समय फ्रेम  का  आस्पेक्ट  रेशो .६६  रखा हुआ  हैंजिसमे  कभी  फोरग्राउंड  में  चार्ली  हैं,  मिड  ग्राउंड  में  दोनों  के  वकील  और उनके  अस्सिस्टेंट   हैं और बैकग्राउंड  में  निकोल  हैंकाउंटर  शॉट ( अपोजिट  शॉट)  में निकोल  फॉर  ग्राउंड  में  हैं   मिड  ग्राउंड  में दोनों  के  वकील  और उनके  अस्सिस्टेंट   हैं और बैकग्राउंड  में  चार्ली  हैं.  दोनों  के  ही  बिच में  गैर  लोग (  वकील  और असिस्टेंटहैंजो  की  उनके  लिए  फैसला  लेने  वाले हैं,  और  चार्ली  और  निकोल   अपने  गिल्ट  की छुपी  में  सिमटे हुए  है.   चार्ली  और  निकोल  के इतने  सुन्दर  और  दिल के  इतने  नजदीक  वाले रिश्ते  के  बारे  कोई  और फैसला  लनेवाला  हैं  यह  देखकर चार्ली  और  निकोल के साथ   हमें  भी  दुःख  होता  है.
     एक सिन  हैं  जो मेरे  जेहन  से  अभी  तक  उतरा नहीं  हैं.डाइवोर्स    होने  के  बाद  निकोल के लिखे  हुए   नोट्स  हैं,  ये  नोट्स   आपसी सामंजस्य से  अलग  होने  के  दौरान  निकोल  और  चार्ली  द्वारा  एक  दूसरे  के  लिए  लिखे  हुए  होते  हैं,  निकोल  उसे तब  नहीं  पढ़ पाती  और  आखिर   में  जब  ये  नोट्स दोनों  का  बेटा  हेनरी  के  हाथो  लगता  हैं  और  वो  उसे  पढ़ने  की  कोशिश  करता  हैं  पर  ठीक  से  पढ़  नहीं  पातातब  चार्ली  उसके  पास  आकर पढ़ता  हैंनिकोल  ने   उसमे  लिखा  हैं  की कैसे  उसे  चार्ली  को  देखते  ही  प्यार  हुआ  था,  और  उसके  लिए  उसे  क्या  फील होता  हैं,  ये  पढ़ते  पढ़ते  चार्ली  रोने  लगता  हैं,  और  उसे  निकोल  कमरे  के एक   दरवाजे  से  सटकर देख  रही हैंउसकी  आँखों में  नमी हैं.  बशीर  बद्र  जी  का  एक  शेर   ,"अगर तलाश करू  तो  कोई    कोई  मिल    ही  जाएगा  मगर तुम्हारी  तरह  हमें  कौन  चाहेगा.," यहाँ  याद आता हैं.  
    आखिर में  जब  निकोल  चार्ली  को  उनके  बेटे  हेनरी की  रात  की  कस्टडी  देती  हैं,  जब  की    टेक्नीकली  वो  निकोल  के  कस्टडीवाली   रात  होती   हैंचार्ली  हेनरी  को  लेकर  अपनी  कार  की  तरफ  जा  रहा  होता  हैंतभी  निकोलको  आवाज  देती  हैं  और  और  भाग के  जाकर  चार्ली  के  जूते की  छुठी  हुई  लेस  को  बांध  देती  हैं.  और चार्ली  कहता हैं  "थैंक्स ".पर्सनल,  वित्त्तीय ,  और  सामाजिक  चीज़ो के  तहत  दोनों अलग  हो जाते  हैं,  लेकिन   अभी  भी  दोनों  को एकदूसरे  कल  लिए    प्यार  और  परवाह  हैं,  जब भी  जरुरत रहेगी  दोनों  एक दूसरे  के  लिए  साथ  आएंगेदोनों  में    घनिष्ठता अब  भी   बरक़रार   हैं , उनकी   शादी   टूटने   बावजूद.
   ये  फिल्म  इस  साल  के  ऑस्कर  की  रेस  में शामिल   थीइसने  बेस्ट  सपोर्टिंग  एक्ट्रेस - लौरा  डेर्न(जिन्होंने
 निकोल  के  वकील  का  रोले  निभाया  हैं.)जीता था.  
अच्छी  फिल्म  जरूर  देखे  .अच्छी  फिल्मे किताबो  की  तरह  होती  हैं.  अच्छी फिल्मे   ज़िन्दगी   बेहतर  बनाती हैं. 
धन्यवाद !
                                                                                            लेखनविशाल  विजयकुमार कामले
Article on Oscar Award-nominated  American film "Marriage Story"

Article on Oscar Award nominated  American film "Marriage Story"
source- the personal  collection
"Even after getting rid of you, it was not easy to forget you
Remember you only to forget you "
       this film has the same mood as the same for this poetry of  NIDA FASLI .  This  American film "Marriage Story" directed by Nuan Bombach,  
      Today we will talk about the American Oscar Award nomination film "Marriage Story". so let's talk about the selected scenes of this film, some other things related to the film,
Charlie Barber (Adam Driver) who is the protagonist of the film, a theater director who is earning a good name in the world of drama in America.  The second protagonist, Nicole Barber (Scarlett Johansson), who previously worked in films and serials, has since been married to Charlie. Since then she works with Charlie in her plays. Both have an eight-year-old son, Henry Barber, (Azhy Robertson), both love their son. Like every parent does. Charlie and Nicole are both creative personalities, and both believe that they are unable to find their creative voice in this marriage.  and that is why they file a case for divorce. A love story of anecdote during and after the divorce.
 The doorbell of Charlie's room rings. Charlie opens the door. Nicole is in the front. There is a formal hi hello. The walls of Charly's newly purchased house are empty, meaning there are no paintings. Nicole offers her that she can give some paintings but Charlie refuses for her. Charlie brings a cold drink to Nicole. And has a beer for himself. Nicole is in the hall and Charlie is in the kitchen, there is a wall between the two rooms showing the audience that Charlie and Nicole have a partition. The walls of the hall have been given white color and the kitchen is brown in a lot, as they are things made of furniture.

    Charlie and Nicole curse each other with their old lives, with their son, with their lawyers, and then in this conversation when they try to curse each other's parents,  then they two get into a lot of debate.
     Charlie tells Nicole, "You need a divorce because you have to find your own voice but the truth is that you have not  your own voice ." Nicole replies to Charlie, "People used to tell me that you were selfish to be a  good artist but I did not agree but they used to say the truth." The quarrel escalates and Charlie, who has been holding a barrage of emotions for many days, goes to the feet, Charlie starts crying, Nicole handles it. They apologize for the mischief to each other. Nicole is still with Charlie.
      Just before this, there is a courtroom drama where Charlie and Nicole are fighting for their son's custody. Charlie's lawyer accuses Nicole of being alcoholic, and Nicole's lawyer accuses Charlie of infidelity with Nicole, both of them pleading. In these arguments, the truth is slightly exaggerated, which is the work of lawyers, but the silence of Charlie and Nicole, appearing in their courtroom, says that they are not happy with the allegations against each other. But what to do, lawyers get money only to win over their clients. The director has captured this thing very well on the camera. At that time the aspect ratio of the frame is kept at 1.66, which is sometimes Charlie in the foreground, both the lawyer and their assistants are in the middle ground and Nicole in the background, for the counter shot (opposite shot)  Nicole shot is in the foreground.  Both’s lawyers and their assistants are in middle ground and Charlie in the background. Between them, there are non-people (lawyers and assistants), who are the ones to decide for them, and Charlie and Nicole are confined in their gilt. We are also sad to see Charlie and Nicole having such a beautiful and heart-rending relationship with Charlie and Nicole.

     There is a scene that has not landed from my mind yet. After the divorce,  notes are written by Nicole and Charlie to each other while they are in mutual harmony, Nicole does not  Could read, and finally, when notes of  Nicole are held by Henry and he tries to read them but cannot read properly, then Charlie comes to him And reads,  notes contains how  Nicole falls in love with  Charlie, the first  time.  And how she did feel for him, after read  Charlie cries, and Nicole scans him by bedroom’s door. There is moisture in her  we Remember poetry   of Bashir Badr Ji, "If   search, I  will find someone, but who would like me  like you."

     Finally, When it is technically the night of Nicole's custody but  Nicole gives henry to  Charlie for nightly custody.  Charlie is on his way to his car with Henry, then Nicole calls to charlie and runs to him and ties the loose lace of Charlie's shoes.  Charlie says "Thanks". Both fall apart under personal, financial, and social things, but both still love and care for each other . in the future, both will come together when needed. The two remain close, despite their marriage breaking up.
The film was included in this year's Oscars race - it gave Best Supporting Actress to  Laura Dern (who Played the role of Nicole's lawyer.).

   Must watch good films, good films are like good books. Good films make life better.

Thank you!
                                                                                           Penned  by  - Vishal Vijaykumar Kamley




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