only yesterday

-----------------------------ओनली यस्टरडे -------------------------

 टैको  का  हितो   पर  क्रश  होता  हैं.  एक सेकेंडरी  स्कूल    में  टैको  के  क्लास   और  हीरो  के क्लास के   बिच    में   बेस  बॉल  का   मैच  होता  हैंऔर  हितो  के अच्छे  खेल  की वजह से  हितो  का   क्लास   जीत  जाता  हैं . पर ११साल की    छोटीशी   टैको  हितो  के  टीम   मैच   जितने   के  बाद  ,नर्वस  होकर  वहा   से  निकल  जाती  हैं . किसी  एक  गली  में  टैको  गली  से  अकेली  चली  जा  रही  हैं  , गली  में  कोई   नहीं   हैं   और  उसी  फ्रेम  के बैकग्राउंड  में  सूरज  डूब  रहा  हैं .सामने वाली  गली  में  एक  इलेक्ट्रिसिटी  का  खम्बा  हैं.  और  अचानक  से  बगल  के  गली    से  निकल  कर  हितो   टैको  के   सामने  आकर  खड़ा  हो जाता  हैं . फ्रेम  में  टैको  का   चेहरा   दिख    रहा  हैं.  टैको   थोडीसी  नर्वस  दिखाई  दे  रही  हैं . टैको  गर्दन  झुकाकर   आगे चलती  हैं  और  बगल   वाली  में  मूड  ने ही  वाली  होती  हैं , तो  हितो  के   मुंह  से  कुछ  अस्पष्ट  से   शब्द   निकलते  हैं . टैको  रुक जाती  हैं  , यहां  पर एक पॉज  हैं.हितो  फिर   से  कुछ   कहने  की  कोशिश  करता  पर   कह  नहीं   पाताउसके  बाद  हितो  कहता  हैं ,"बादल" .टैको  मूड कर  हितो  की  तरफ  देखती  हैं , हितो  कहता  हैं  की ," तुम्हे   सूरज  ज्यादा  पसंद   हैं  या  बादल , मतलब   तुम्हे  गर्मियों   के  दिन  ज्यादा  पसंद   हैं    या   वर्षा  के  दिन ?"  
                  यहाँ  एक  और  एक लम्बा  पॉज आता  है  उस  पर  टैको  कहती  हैं ,"वर्षा के दिन "  इसके  तुरंत   बाद   एक  इंसर्सन कट   आता हैं.  जहां पर  बेसबॉल   खेल   में   इस्तेमाल  किये  जाने  वाले  दस्तान  में   एक   बॉल    पकड़ी  जाती। हितो   के  चेहरे  पर  एक   स्माइल   हैं . हितो  कहता  हैं ," मुझे   भी "" उसके   बाद   और  एक   लम्बा   पॉज  आता  हैं . टैको  के चेहरे  पर   एक  स्माइल      जाती  हैं . हितो  भी  शर्मा  कर  हँसता  हैं . हितो  वहाँ   से  भागते  हुए जाता हैंऔर  बेसबॉल  की  गेंद  को  हवा  में  उछालकर  कैच  पकड़ते  हुए  वहा  से  निकल  जाता  हैंटैको  भी  वहा  से  भाग   कर  निकलती   हैं .टैको  को  हम  लोग  भागते  हुए  देखते  है  और  फिर  जिस  तरह   से  हम  जीने  की  सीढिया  चढ़ते  हैं . उसी  तरह  से  टैको  हवा  में  सीढिया  चढ़  रही  है.  और  हवा  में  उड़  रही  हैं , उड़ते  उड़ते  अपने  घर  पोहच  रही  है . दोस्तों    ये  ताकत  होती  हैं  एनीमेशन फिल्म  कीकी  हम  अपने  कल्पना  को  बड़ी  खूबी  के  साथ  चित्रों  में  पिरोह  सकते  हैं . 
                  ये  सिन   हैं   इसाओ ताकाहता  के  निर्देशन  में  बनी और  तोषीओ सुजुकी ( gibli  studio)की  निर्माण  की गयी  जपनीज एनीमेशन  फीचर  फिल्मओनली  यस्टरडे "का . इस  सिन  में  मैंने  जान  बुझ  कर  पॉज  का  जिक्र  किया  हैं.  क्यों  के  पॉसेस    के   साथ   ये  सिन में  जो  एक  स्थिरता  आयी  हैं , उससे  सिन  की  खूबसूरती  बड़ी  हैं . ये  सिन  बड़ा  ही  मेडिटेटिव  लगता  हैं . ये  पूरी  फ़िल्म  ही   काफी  मेडिटेटिव  किस्म  की  हैं.

                 आइये , मैं  आपको  इस  फिल्म  के  कहानी  से थोड़ा   रूबरू  करा  देता  हुटैको   एक  27  साल  की  टोकयो  में  जॉब  होल्डर लड़की  हैं.  जिसकी  शादी  अभीतक  नहीं  हुई हैंटैको  को  अपने  नौकरी  में  कुछ  खास  दिलचस्पी  नहीं  हैं.टैको  बचपन   से  ही  हर चीज़ में  एवरेज लड़की हैंटैको  को  बचपन  से  ही  गावो का बड़ाही  आकर्षण  रहा हैंटैको का बचपन भी  एक  गांव में  ही गुजरा  हैं.  टैको  अपने  जॉब   से  10  दिन  की  छुट्टी  लेकर अपने  एक बहन   के  यहाँ    एक  गांव  जिसका  नाम " यामागाताहैं.  वहा  जा  रही  हैंटैको  अपने  ट्रैन   में  बैठती हैंऔर  गांव  के  लिए  टैको  का सफर  शुरू होता हैं.  यहाँ   से टैको  के  बचपन  के ज़िन्दगी  के  मतलब  जब  टैको  की  उम्र  ११  साल  की  थी  उस  समय  के  फ़्लैश  बैक  कहानी  में  आना  शुरू   होते  हैं.  मैंने  जो शुरुवात   में  सिन  का  जिक्र  किया  हैं  वो  टैको  के  फलेश  बैक   के  सीक्वेंस का  ही  एक  सिन  हैं.  पुरे फिल्म  में  टैको  के ज़िन्दगी  के  छोटे  छोटे  भूतकाल  और  वर्तमान   के किस्से  आते  रहते  हैं.  पूरी  फिल्म  ही  नॉन  लीनियर  तरीके  से आगे  बढ़ती  हैं.(  नॉनलीनियर  मतलब  एक  धारा  में     बहने  वाली,  मतलब  जिसमे कभी  फिल्म  की  कहानी  फ्लेश बैक   से  फलेश ऑन   हो  रही  हैं.  और  कभी  फलेश ऑन  से  कहानी  फलेश  बैक  में  जा  रही  हैं.या एक साथ दो या उससे अधिक कहानियाँ  चल  रही हैं. ) टैको  गांव  में  पोहचती  हैं , जहाँपर उसकी मुलाकात  अपने  एक दूर  के  रिश्तेदार   से  होती  हैं।  जिसका  नाम तोषीओ  हैं.   तोषीओ  और उसका परिवार   कुसुम  के  फूलो  की जैविक  खेती  करता  हैं.  टैको  भी  गांव  आकर  उसी  काम  में  उसका साथ देती  हैं.  फिल्म  में   आहिस्ता  आहिस्ता  तोषीओ  और  टैको  का  रिलेशन डेवलप    होता हैं    फिर  आगे  कहानी  में  क्या  होता  हैं  ये  मैं  बताकर  स्पोइलर  नहीं  दूंगा.  आप फिल्म  देखिये.  लेकिन  मैं  कहानी   के  कुछ  सीन्स  पर  जरूर  बात  करूँगा।

                  एक सिन  में  पहली बार छोटी  टैको  पाइन  एप्पल  खा रही है.  इस  पाइन एप्पल को  काटते   हुए  एक एक  कट  दिखाते  हैं. परिवार पाइन एप्पल खाने के लिए  प्लेट  लेते हैं.  पर  पाइन एप्पल परिवार  में  किसीको भी  अच्छा नहीं  लगता ,और  टैको की  बहन कहती  हैं की  इससे तो  बनाना  अच्छा  होता   हैं.  छोटी  छोटी  चीज़ो   को  बड़े  स्थीरता  से   दिखाया गया  हैं.  टैको   का  पहला क्रशउसके पहले  मेंस्ट्रुअल  साइकिल  पर क्लासमेट  लड़को  द्वारा उसे  चिड़ाना , टैको   के  पिताजी  ने उसके बचपन   में मारा  हुआ   थप्पड़  ये सारे  किस्से  किस  तरह  उसके  आज में    कही  जगह  बनाकर  रह  रहे  हैं.  इसका  सफर  इस  फिल्म   में  दिखाया  गया  हैंफिल्म  के कहानी  में कुछ  सस्पेंस,  थ्रिल,  एक्शन  नहीं  हैं,  पर  एक  छोटी  छोटी  बातों  पर  रोशनी   डाली गयी हैं.

                  टैको  का  एक  क्लासमेट  था ,  जो की  टैको  से  काफी  नफरत  करता  थाउस  क्लासमेट  की  वो  याद  अभी भी  टैको  के दिल  में ताज़ा   हैं,  पर  जब  टैको  तोषीओ  से  मिलती  हैं और  उनकी  दोस्ती  जैसे  जैसे  गहरी  होती जाती  हैं  ,  टैको  को  उस  क्लासमेट  की  नफरत  करने वाली  याद  अपने  दिमाग साफ़  हो  जाती  हैं.  टैको  तोषीओ  को  अपना  हमदर्द मानने  लगती  हैं.  
               आखिर में  जब टैको वापस  अपने  शहर जानेवाली  होती  हैं।ये  आख़री का  सिन भी बड़ा ही रोचक हैं.  टैको  ट्रैन  में बैठती  हैंटैको  के  बचपन के दोस्त  और बचपन की टैको  अब ट्रैन के बॉगी में बड़ी  टैको  के साथ हैंएक  तितली आकर बड़ी टैको   के कंधे के ऊपर  बैठती  हैंटैको   को एहसास  होता  हैं  की   उसके ज़िन्दगी  का  लक्ष्य  उसी  गांव  में  तोषीओ  के  साथ ज़िंदगी बिताने में   हैं.वो  बचपन   के दोस्त  छोटी   टैको  के  साथ टोकयो  जाने वाली  ट्रैन से  उतरकर   फिर से गांव   जाने  वाली ट्रेन लेती  हैं.आगे उस से  गांव मे उतरकर एक  पीसीओ से  अपने   बहन  के  यहाँ कॉल  करती  हैंबहन तोषीओ को टैको  को  लाने  भेजती हैंयहाँ पर बच्चो ने  एक बस  रोक रखी हैं.फ़ोन  कॉल   के बाद टैको बस  में बैठती  हैंवहाँ से तोषीओ कार   में टैको   को  लेने  निकला  हैं.  एक जगह   पर तोषीओ की  कार   और टैको   की  बस  एक दूसरे   क्रॉस  करती हैंऔर कार  थोड़ी  दुरी पर जाकर  रुक  जाती हैं।  टैको ड्राइवर को  धन्यवाद कहकर  बस से निचे  उतरती हैंतोषीओ कार  से उतरता हैं , एक बच्चा  जो   की छोटी  टैको  का  दोस्त  हैंज़मीन पर रोल करता  हुआ आगे बढ़ते   हुए  तोषीओ के पैरो में  जा  टकराता  हैं.   तोषीओ  लड़खड़ा जाता  हैं  और  सीधे  आकर  टैको से टकराता  हैं,टैको उसे  संभाल लेती हैंतोषीओ और टेको  एक दूसरे  को  हेलो  कहते  हैं.  तोषीओ  टैको  की  बैग  लेकर  अपने  कार   की तरफ  बढ़  रहे  हैंउनके   पीछे छोटी  टैको   और उसके  दोस्त  चल  रहे   हैंअगली  फ्रेम   में  तोषीओ  और  टैको  कार  में जा  रहे  हैंबच्चे  कार के साथ और  कार के पीछे   भाग   रहे हैंकार  बहोत  दूर  निकल जाती  हैं.  बच्चे  खड़े  हैं,  हम देखते  हैं  की  आखिर में छोटी टैको खड़ी  हैंयहापर  फिल्म  ख़त्म  होती   हैं  और इस  पुरे  सीक्वेंस में  एक  गाना  चल  रहा हैं,  बड़ा  मजा  आता   हैं  ये सीक्वेंस  देखकर। 

दोस्तों ये फिल्म  १९९१  में जापान  में  रिलीज हुई  थी ,  लगता नहीं   की  ये   ३० साल    पुरानी  फिल्म   हैंइसका  एनीमेशन   वर्क इतना  उम्दा   हैं,  इस फिल्म  में करैक्टर  के  चेहरों   के  भाव करैक्टर  के  भावना  के  साथ  बदले  गए  हैं,  जो  की  उस समय  किया  गया   ये  पहला  काम  था.  आजकल   तो एनीमेशन  आसान  हैं लेकिन  आज  से  ३०  साल  पहले इतना  आसान  नहीं था.
इस  फिल्म  में  जापानीज  लोक  गीत,  हंगेरियन म्यूजिक और  बल्गेरियम  लोक गीतों  का भी  बखूबी  इस्तेमाल  किया  गया  हैं.

अपने  ज़िन्दगी में  घटित  होने  वाली  छोटी  छोटी  घटनाये  भी  कितनी  महत्वपूर्ण  होती हैंसाहित्य को  चित्रो में  तब्दील  करने  को सिनेमा  नहीं  कहतेबल्कि  चित्रों  को चेतना में  तब्दील  करना  सिनेमा  होता हैं.अच्छा  सिनेमा  ज़िन्दगी  बेहतर  बनाता  हैंइसीलिए  अच्छा  सिनेमा देखे.
दोस्तों  ब्लॉग   लिखने   के लिए  बहोत   रिसर्च करना  पड़ता  हैं,  मेहनत  करनी पड़ती  हैंइसीलिए  पढ़ने  के  बाद  कमेंट  बॉक्स  में कमेंट   जरूर करे.  क्या  अच्छा  लगा और  क्या  कमिया लगी , और  क्या कर सकते हैं ,   जरूर बताये।    
अभी  कोरोना  वायरस  पूरी  दुनिया  में  मचा  रहा हैं,  लोक स्वर्ग  सिधार  रहे हैं,  यहाँ  भारत  में पूरा  लॉक  डॉउन हैं,  तो घर  बैठे ,      अपना  और  अपने प्रियजनों  का  ख़याल  रखे  और   घर बैठकर ,"ओनली  यस्टरडे"  फिल्म  जरूर  देखे.  मैं  निचे  इस  फिल्म  के  मेकिंग  की  लिंक  दे  रहा  हु, वहा   जाकर  आप  इस  फिल्म  का  निर्माण  कैसे  हुआ  ये  देख  पाएंगे

making  of  only  yesterday  film-

धन्यवाद !


----------------------- only yesterday------------------------

Taeso has a crush on Hito. in a secondary school , there is a match of  baseball between Taeso's class and Hito's class, and because of the good game of Hito, Hito's class wins. . But 11-year-old  Taeso, after winning the team match, gets nervous and leaves from there.  the taco is going alone from the lane, there is no one in the lane and the sun is sinking in the background of the same frame. There is an electricity pole in the front lane. And suddenly, coming out of the side lane, Hito stands in front of the taeso. Taeso's face is visible in the frame. Taeso walks forward with a tilted neck and thewalk turn in the lane  , so some vague words come out of Hito's mouth. Taeso stops, there is a pause here. Hito tries to say something again but is unable to say. After that Hito says, "Clouds", Taeso looks at Hito in a mood, Hito says, "Do you like the sun more or the clouds, meaning do you like summer days or rainy days?"

                       Here comes another long pause, on which Taeso says, " a rainy day", immediately after this an insurtion cut. Where a ball was caught in the gloves used in baseball games. Hito has a smile on his face. Hito says, "Me too" "Then comes another long pause. A smile comes on Taeso's face. Hito also laughs with shame. Hito runs away. And  throw a ball in the air. catches the ball  and gets out of there. Taesos also run away from there, we see the taeso running away and then the way we climb the stairs to terrace.taeso  climbs  like this.  flying in  the air,reach to her   house in the air. Friends, this is the power of an animation film, that we can put our imagination in pictures with great ability. 

                      this scene  is from  a Japanese animated feature film, "Only Yesterday", directed by Ishao Takahata and produced by Toshio Suzuki (gibli studio). In this scene, I deliberately mentioned the pauses, because with the pauses, the stability that has come in the scene. This scene seems very meditative. These entire films are quite meditative in nature.

                      let me introduce you to the story of this film. Taeso is a 27-year-old job holder girl in Tokyo. Who has not been married yet. Taeso is not particularly interested in her job. Taeso is an average girl in everything since childhood. Taeso has been a major attraction of villages since childhood. . Taeso's childhood also passed away in a village. Taeso is taking 10 days to leave from her job to meet her sister who lives in the village, a village named  "Yamagata".  taeso sits in her train. And the journey of taeso to the village, begins. From here, the life of Taeso's childhood means that when the age of Taeso was 11 years, the flashbacks of that time begin to appear in the story. The scene  I mentioned, in the beginning, is a sequence of Flash Back's sequence of taeso. Throughout the film, stories of Taeso's past, and present, keep coming. The whole film moves in a non-linear way. (Non-linear means not flowing in the same  way  , which means that the story of the film is going to flash on from flashback. And sometimes from flash on, the story is going to flashback.Or two or more stories going on simultaneously.) Taeso reaches  in the village, where he meets a distant relative. Whose name is Toshio. Toshio and his family do organic cultivation of safflower flowers. Taeso also comes to the village and supports her in the same work. In the film, the relation of Toshio and Taeso slowly develops, now I will not give a spoiler after telling what happens in the story. You watch the movie But I will definitely talk about some scenes of the story.

               Taeso is eating pineapple for the first time in a scene. Cutting this pineapple shows each one. All family  member pine apples take plates to eat. But no one in the family likes it, and the sister of Taeso says that banana is better than it. . It has been shown very well on small things. Taeso's first crush, his first menstrual cycle by the classmate boys teasing her, how Taeso's father slapped her childhood, how all these stories are living in her place today. Its journey is shown in this film. There is no suspense, thrill, action in the story of the film, but a small thing has been highlighted.

             Taeso had a classmate who greatly hated taeso. That memory of that classmate is still fresh in Taeso's heart, but as Taeso meets Toshio and their friendship grows deeper, Taeso's hated memories of that classmate clear her mind. Taeso  begins to feel hes sympathy to Toshio.

             Finally, when the taeso are about to go back to their city, this last scene  is also very interesting. Taeso sits in the train. Taeso's childhood friend and childhood taeso are now in Tran's boggy with a adult taeso. As a butterfly arrives and sits on the shoulder of the adult taeso, Taeso realizes that hes life's goals are to spend life with the Toshio in the same village. The childhood friends get off the train going to the Tokyo with the adult  taeso and return to the village again. She takes a train to go. After coming down from her village, she calls her sister from a PCO. Sister sends Toshio to bring Taeso. Here the children have stopped a bus. After the phone call, Taco sits in the bus. Toshio has left to take taeso in the car . At one place, Toshiyo's car and taeso's bus cross each other. And the car stops at a distance. Saying thank you to the taeso to  bus  driver, get down from the bus. Toshio gets off the car, a child who is a friend of a small taeso. While rolling on the ground, he goes into the feet of Toshio. The Toshio stumbles and collides directly with the taeso, the taeso manages it. Toshio and taeso call each other hello. Toshio is moving towards his car with a bag of taeso. They are followed by small taeso and their friends, Toshio and Taeso are going in the car in the next frame. The children are running with the car and behind the car. The car leaves . Children are standing, we see that small taeso is standing at the end. Here the film ends and there is a song playing in this whole sequence, it is fun to see this sequence.

           Friends, this film was released in Japan in 1991, it does not seem that it is a 30-year-old film. Its animation work is so good, friends, the expressions of the characters in this film have been changed with the emotions of the character, which was the first work done at that time. Animation is easy nowadays, but 30 years ago it was not so easy.

        Japanese folk songs, Hungarian music and Bulgarian folk songs have also been used well in this film.
       How important are the small incidents that occur in your life. Cinema is not called to convert literature into pictures, but it is cinema to convert pictures into consciousness. Good cinema makes life better. That's why watch good cinema.

       Friends, a lot of research has to be done to write a blog, hard work has to be done. That is why after reading, please comment in the comment box. Tell me what you liked and what don't and what i  can do to improve it.
        Right now the coronavirus is raging all over the world, people are dying , here in India there are complete lockdowns, so sit at home, take care of yourself and   your loved ones and sit at home watching this movie "Only yesterday". I am giving a link to the making of this film below, you will be able to see how this film was produced. 

making  of  only  yesterday  film-

Thank you !

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